An exclusive space available for our customers and partners, where they can interact with the Netin products on their own, checking all their functionalities and getting to know the latest news, innovations and implemented technologies.
Find out the Netin potential!

Does your facility stop because of wiring problems?
Do you want to identify and attack the most likely point of failure?
Are you short of time to perform a good maintenance?
Having problems with your CPU performance?
Have you detected intrusions in your facility?
Do you need to anticipate possible processes failures?

If your answer to these questions is "Yes", Netin is the solution.
Visit our showroom and we will show you all the advantages of implementing the Netin solutions.
Interactive factory to scale.
Control industrial cabinet.
Augmented reality application.
Netin integration in smartwatches.
Alarms voice assistant.
Machine learning.
Request a visit
Sorry, the Netin showroom is temporally closed to any visit due to the current situation caused by COVID-19.
We are working on a protocol that will allow us to reopen this space and on an online demo that will allow our customers to try Netin and become familiar with its functionalities.
If you want to talk about a specific use case, please send us its information in order to our experts’ team can analyze it and contact you back as soon as possible.